Architects, Builders and Developers
Architects, Builders and Developers are of prime importance to our mission introducing HempLime to the building and renovation market.
To facilitate the dialogue and co-operation, the management of our affiliates is composed of architects, engineers, or those closely related to the building sector.
Click here to download
HempLime Texture Map
Our team of professionals has developed a HempLime texture map to use for 3D modeling
How to work with us
HES is organized as a distributed network of regional affiliates: HES District Managers and Certified Associates contractors.
Our head office, based in Switzerland, is at your disposal for any general questions and documentations you may request.

Roles and Training
Registered national HES companies
Purchase material & equipment directly from manufacturers
Carry stock of material & equipment
Contract local qualified contractors for work execution
Communicate with architects, engineers and builders
Based on architects' plans, HES affiliates work out:
Consumption of materials
Planning & timing
Estimated cost of materials and work execution
Execution according to CE certification
HES Head office
Products R&D
Tools and machine developments
Study of projects with architects, engineers, & clients
Establish new affiliates
Back-up existing affiliates
Conduct international seminars & conferences
Corporate material & equipment purchases
Associates contractors
Execute the construction mandates
HES does not directly execute building & renovation jobs.
Qualified contractors in each area are contracted and trained to become our associate. Training of associates is a central activity of our organisation and is done through:
Management course - 2 days
Field personnel course - 5 days plus the first jobs done under HES supervision
After successful completion of the training, participants receive a diploma (CFD & CSD) and are elligible as certified contractors.
Flexible solutions
HES deliver and invoice to the Associate or directly to the client.
The Associate buys or rents the equipment
Performance guarantee: HES & the Associate deliver performance guarantee solidarity.

Certificates and performance tests reports
CE Certificate
Conductivity Test
Thermal Performance Test

Hemp-Lime Drying Comparison
Fire Performance Test
Hygrothermal Behaviour
of Bio-based Materials