References across the world
We have built over 50'000 m2 of healthy environments: private home, public buildings, offices, farms, schools, warehouses and patrimonial restauration.
There is no limit to the size or type of construction you can build with HES-Mix. You can start now to save energy and reduce maintenance, two of the most expensive line of cost.
New construction
Renovation Projects
Six examples that show the different uses of HES-Mix in renovation/insulation projects.

Villard - Switzerland - 2011
HES-Mix has outstanding performances, even in tough climates where temperature varies a lot from winter to summer. In confined indoor atmosphere like Chalets it contributes to keep a healthy indoor atmosphere.

Private House
Vevey - Switzerland - 2011
A visible example of the use of HES-Mix on exterior walls. Depending on the existing building, HES-Mix can be applied outside or inside to achieve the best result.

Private House
La Tour de Trême - Switzerland - 2014
Extension of a private house, using a wooden structure and HES-Mix for the walls and insulation.

Onnens - Switzerland - 2011
HES-Wall is used to fight humidity problems and regulate temperature without having to use extensive heating or cooling devices.

Private House
Le Mouret - France - 2013
A private house roof completely insulated with HES-Mix for a gain of heating energy, comfort and healty indoor air.

Small building
Antwerp - Belgium - 2011
Complete refurbishing of a small building using HES-Mix for walls and roof.