Fire Retardant (Bs1d0)
Thermally Insulating (0.048-0.06 W/mK)
CO2 Negative building (-0.027tCO2eq/m3)
Light Weight (240-350kg/m3)
Healthy Indoor climate
Humidity Regulating
Hand Crafted natural finishes
Rot and Pest Resistant
Acoustically Pleasing

All HESmix is HempLime but not all Hemplime is HESmix.
HESmix is a patented product used to build and insulate walls, roofs and floors.
Tested according to EN standards for fire, thermal, humidity and strength and used in over 50'000m2 of building and renovations across the world since 2013.
HESmix is a trusted hemp building product by industry professionals.

Building and renovating with Hemp and Lime since 1991, our network of artisans, engineers, architects and inventors allow us to continuously innovate through a shared and collaborative approach.
Choose us as your hemp building partner and rest assured that you have an experienced team standing beside you every step of the way from project specifications, planning, budgeting, material selection, logistics, training and execution.

The first time I walked into a HempLime house, I was sold. My favourite things about building with hemplime are knowing that i'll have the healthiest indoor climate and that everything has been hand crafted